
Just a Little Intro


Most of my friends dread being single. Trying to do the bar scene, the pity parties you get from your partnered up friends, no one to bring to your cousins wedding next month, no one to drag with you to chick flicks, but the worst being having to cook just for yourself (and clean up the mess afterwards). I personally love being single, and it has definitely become much easier the more I learn to cook on my own. Granted, I usually have a swarm of friends around me at all times that I get to cook for as well, but more often than not I am usually flying solo in the kitchen.

I used to be a world class swimmer. I am not trying to toot my own horn here, I just thought that bit of information would be helpful for you readers so you can understand the direction my cooking will be coming from. I have had more nutritionists pump information into my brain than I can count on both my fingers and toes. Having such a wide variety of nutritionists teach me has actually been extremely beneficial because no two nutritionists have given me the exact same bits of information. The basic principles are the same, but the recommendations on what and when to eat are vastly different. On this blog, I will be using my athletic and nutrition background to try and create healthy yet very satisfying meals for all you single foodies out there. If at any time any of you readers want a more personalized eating schedule or any nutrition tips in general, feel free to e-mail me at rhirun@me.com.

Consume with a smile!


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